About Us
Get to know us
Our company
welcomes you to its brand new website.
Family business with 10 year presence in the Greek market offering its customers a combination of premium service, excellent relationship quality - price - delivery speed in the industry STATIONERY and PRINTING.
The 30-year and longer experience of its founder Nicholas Fakinos in this area makes small business very flexible and efficient.
The personal and daily contact with customers, makes us fully understand their needs. Our primary goal is service.
There never hesitate to recommend a colleague when we do not have a product (supply-related price).
Honesty, reliability and long-term relationship with our suppliers, are making us one of the most famous small stationers.
This explains the deployment of specialized products throughout Greece.
Despite the continuing upward trend in the company in the retail and wholesale of (tariffs) sale remains stable in the philosophy that states:
• Responsible personal contact
• Full product knowledge
• The complete discretion and confidentiality to known and unknown clients.
"Feel FREE to ask us... you never know ... Perhaps WE know ..."
What we seek in our presence on the Internet
• To inform our customers new and old to our potential.
• Do we exist in the market with new channels of communication required by our times
(Site, e-mail, facebook).
• Be able to tell you about our offers for new products or even for extra services.
• To have a modern space order and search views of you.
Your satisfaction,is our first priority...